Shade Mountain
Shade Mountain Forest Products is a manufacturer of quality hardwood lumber in the central PA region.
Shade Mountain Forest Products was established in 2000 and has been owned and operated by Jonathan Hoffman and family since 2015. The company manufactures the lumber at the sawmill in McAlisterville, PA. Shade Mountain Forest Products also buys and harvests standing timber in central PA. With over 50 years’ experience provided by the staff of Shade Mountain, many landowners in the area have entrusted the stewardship of their forest to this company. Shade Mountain Forest Products is committed to producing quality hardwood lumber and managing Pennsylvania’s forests for this generation and the next.
Shade Mountain Forest Products buys standing timber. We are committed to helping landowners be good stewards of Pennsylvania’s natural timber resources. We do this by evaluating woodlands for wildlife management, forest health, and harvesting opportunities for future generations.
We offer timber appraisals to landowners to give them the current value of their timber.
Shade Mountain produces hardwood lumber in eastern Juniata county at a mill with a staff of 10 employees.
The sawmill produces approximately 15,000 feet of lumber each day.
The sawmill specializes in the species of red oak, white oak, and poplar. They also work with cherry, walnut, hickory, and other varieties.
They manufacture railroad ties and pallet lumber.
The Hoffman family has been in the lumber industry since 1952 when Rudolph J. Hoffman, the first generation, purchased a sawmill in Mount Pleasant Mills, PA. Jonathan grew up at his father’s sawmill, and Caleb and Michael are third generation lumber men.
Jonathan Hoffman has been involved in sawmill management for over 40 years. He is professionally trained in lumber grading, and has also held the position of head sawyer and mill manager. He is currently the owner and sales manager of Shade Mountain Forest Products.
Caleb Hoffman has been involved in forest management and timber harvesting for over 15 years. He has been certified and professionally trained by Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). He brings the skills of tree felling, logging equipment operating, logging crew management, and landowner relations to the company.
Michael Hoffman has been in forest management and timber harvesting for 10 years. He has been certified and professionally trained by Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). He also specializes in logging, forestry technology, and landowner communication.